
Older version

The story

The origin Shootout (or at least the one I played) was developed by Acegikmo. It was very fun indeed but unfortunately he was not careful with his stuff and it got lost. And that is why I've made a this wannabe edition.

The controls

WASD or arrows to move. Aim and shoot with the mouse or numpad. [R] restart level. [F1] game info/help. [F4] window/fullscreen mode. [F5] save game. [F6] load game. [ESC] quit.

The deal

I would love if someone builds some levels to this game. I have provided the source files for download. The license is kopimi which means that it wants to be copied.

You will need Game Maker 8.0 pro to use the source file. That is not a free tool, but downloadable from TPB etc.

The facts

Wannabe Shootout runs of Windows machines, such as Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.




More Äppelgran games

Updated: 2018-04-06